Amber R&D specialises in the following areas of business management research:

  • strategic marketing communications
  • human resource management
  • information systems management
  • company law
  • accounting and taxation law
  • investment management
  • operations management
  • strategic management
  • business environment
  • public sector management
  • economics
  • corporate governance and corporate ethics
  • management science methods

We also examine the wider context in which business organisations operate:

  • financial regulation
  • policy making
  • geopolitics
  • international relations
  • international development
  • technology-driven changes in business and investment environment

Our current research projects focus on:

  • emerging markets (Asia, Latin America and Africa)
  • financial analysis
  • financial law
  • risk management
  • real estate investment and finance
  • global trade (commodity markets, mining and energy sectors)
  • monetary system, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology
  • fintech application in investment decision-making
  • economic history